Thursday 26 December 2013


As far back as I can remember, nothing could ever make me as content than being engrossed in a really good movie. Movies, were literally 'everything' to me. It was sort of like an 'escape door' of a time machine that could transport me to 'whoever, wherever and whenever'. I could be in a faraway land or I could be that good guy with the irrepressible ladies charm or the valiant knight whose legendary heroics are celebrated; or that monstrously evil villain that everyone feverishly hate, until the moment when you least expected it, does the totally unthinkable single good deed, and suddenly you find that all is forgiven and all his evil deeds are now, well less evil. Ahhh…the emotional battles that you partake in a movie and equally so in much of real life.

But apart from that, movies, sometimes do tend to leave you completely paranoid and reeling from the imagery flashbacks of a particular scene. I remember the first time i watched "The Exorcist" and i had those sudden chill jerks every time that i went to the toilet, this went on for at least 6 months. Or leave you completely dumbfounded - take the scene when the actor/actress finds himself in the just inherited, centuries old mansion which just has to be remotely deep into the countryside, totally cut off by the nearest civilisation and the nearest local police station is about 50 kilometres away and suddenly there is a thud, followed by a really eerie laugh and then sounds of chains dragging on the floorboards of the basement….and what does the actor/actress do next?…open the door, seemingly scared shitless, trembling and yells out…'Hello…is anyone there'? 
I don't know about you but was the person expecting that whatever insidiously evil lurking in the basement to reply back or say…."hey, it's only me…your scary chain dragging dead housemate, come on down mortal and let's have a party…i have been waiting for 200 years for someone to ask me!  

But the thing is, movies has a way of sometimes engaging your curiosity and 'educating' you in the process. I am definitely not implying that watching the latest 'Adnan Sempit" or Van Damme movie will do anything to your level of intellect but movies do have a lot to offer, provided of course, you are watching the right kind and you do your own research to conclude that the movie rendition does justice to the actual story. 

But i suppose, what makes us all immensely human is the inherent ability to dislike or disagree or oppose critically another opinion.  Preference, quite alarmingly it would seem, has a life of its own and quite absurdly depend on such matter as beliefs, upbringing, circle of influence and cultural exposure. 

Some people argue that one could tell a lot about a person from the type of movies that he watches and appreciates. I know, it is as cliched as the totally pretentious idiot, surpassing his own morbid existence, pretending to be captivated by the intense writings of Jane Austen, Jacob Abbott or Shakespeare, just for the sake of literature reference.

Movies could very well be the literature equivalent to any good book. It has to make the viewer think, analyse, provoke and simply take up the task to understand the movie in its true and rawest form and those subtle details, minus the ticket selling commercialism or the really melodramatic screen writing. It has to captivate your emotions, work your sensory, take hold of your breath and caress your mind - all this, while gently plunging you deeper and deeper into a whirlpool of sound and visual information. 

When you find that you are actually refraining from hitting the pause button on your remote although you are in desperate need to visit the bathroom, well i guess that must be one hell of a movie.

So, think you have watched that kind of a movie lately? Well, I attempt to post here, the good movies that anyone can watch and come away 'feeling' emotionally disturbed, curious, enriched, lifted, scarred and even educated. 

These are movies that ANYONE and EVERYONE should and must watch at least in this lifetime or for that matter, in any lifetime.

MOVIES - minus the I and S that MOVE you! 

Happy Watching.